Alert, Energy law, Law[Legal Alert] Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia No. 91 K/12/MEM/2020 tentang Harga Gas Bumi di Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik (Plant Gate) / Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Decree no. 91 K/12/MEM/2020 on Power Plant (Plant Gate) Gas Price
Alert, LawApakah pasal 1338 KUHP menyebabkan Force Majeure tidak dapat di implementasi? / Does article 1338 of Indonesian Civil Code prevents the Force Majeure from being implemented ?
Alert, LawApa yang harus dilakukan apabila kita menerima pemberitahuan Force Majeure (Keadaan Kahar/Keadaan Memaksa)? / What to do if we receive a Force Majeure Declaration?
Alert, Law[Legal Alert] Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 tahun 2020 tentang Kebijakan Negara dan Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan untuk penanganan Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) dan/atau dalam rangka mengahadapi ancaman yang membahayakan perekonmian nasional dan/atau stabilitas sistem keuangan/ Government Regulation in Lieu of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2020 concerning State Policies and Financial System Stability for the handling of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic (Covid-19) and / or in order to deal with threats that endanger the national economy and / or financial system stability
Alert, Law[Legal Alert] Penetapan Bencana Non-alam Penyebaran Corona Virus (COVID-19) sebagai Bencana Nasional / Determination of the non-nature Spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) as National Disaster
Alert, LawApa yang harus dipersiapkan untuk deklarasi Force Majeure (Keadaan Kahar/Keadaan Memaksa)? / What to Prepare for Force Majeure Declaration?