Alert, IT Law, Law[Legal Alert] The New E-commerce Regulation / Peraturan baru untuk Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (E-commerce)
Alert, IT Law, Law[Legal Alert] The Implementation of Telecommunication Service / Penyelenggaraan Jasa Telekomunikasi
Alert, IT Law, Law[Legal Alert] The newly issued Government Regulation No. 71 of 2019 (replacing the Govt Reg 82/2012) on Electronic Systems and Electronic Transactions / Terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah No. 71 tahun 2019 (pengganti PP 82/2012) tentang Penyelenggaraan Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik
IT Law, LawIndonesia’s Personal Data Protection Law/ Hukum Perlindungan atas Data Pribadi di Indonesia
IT Law, LawOverview to the recently issued Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 on One Data Indonesia (“GR 39/19”)